Getting started


pyQSC is a python package for generating quasisymmetric stellarator configurations using an expansion about the magnetic axis. The underlying equations are explained in detail in [LandremanSenguptaPlunk2019] and [LandremanSengupta2019]. PyQSC is closely related to the fortran package here, except that pyQSC is written in pure python. This makes pyQSC user-friendly, with no need for compilation, though it is slower.


pyQSC has minimal dependencies - it requires only python3, numpy, scipy, and matplotlib. If you don’t already have numpy, scipy, and matplotlib, they will be installed automatically by the pip install step described in the next section. Certain plotting routines also require the mayavi package.


The recommended way to install pyQSC is to install it from PyPI using pip:

pip install qsc

If you prefer to see or edit the source code, you can first clone the repository using:

git clone

Then install the package to your local python environment with:

cd pyQSC
pip install -e .

The -e in the last command is optional.


Landreman, Sengupta, and Plunk, Journal of Plasma Physics 85, 905850103 (2019).


Landreman and Sengupta, Journal of Plasma Physics 85, 815850601 (2019).


If the installation is successful, pyQSC will be added to your python environment. To use it in python, simply import the module as

>>> from qsc import Qsc